Kirsten Fleming

Kirsten Fleming

About the Columnist

Kirsten Fleming is The Post's features columnist, writing on a variety of topics across pop culture, sports and politics. Previously, she was a senior features reporter covering the intersection of sports and culture, lifestyle and quirky New York City-centric tales. She also reported on city crime and local news. Kirsten lives in Manhattan and graduated from Providence College.

The Archive

Manhattan borough president slams parents who want to protect girls' sports as 'MAGA' — but why is it political?

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine declared “the MAGA movement has come to Manhattan" after parents asked for a public review of DOE guidelines on issues like gender. But how is...

Ex-Levi's president who dared to take on COVID closures — and lost her job — now fighting to protect women's sports

Former Levi's exec Jennifer Sey's clothing line XX-XY Athletics is "the only athletic brand to stand up for female athletes and the protection of women's sports."

No more free throws, ladies! Women's sports have truly arrived — now the 'yas queen' days need to stop

March Madness isn't meant to be a soft focus, Dove soap ad. More visibility and a bigger stage means no more kid gloves because that's equality too.

Back off Jenny from the Block: TikTokers need to stop using Jennifer Lopez for cheap cred

TikTok users have been viciously mocking Jennifer Lopez and her Bronx roots — but it's time to back off and actually respect her work ethic.

Colbert, Cohen, Kardashian: All should be ashamed of mocking Kate Middleton's 'disappearance'

Discretion has become a foreign concept in our social-media age. Maybe that's why no one could believe the Princess of Wales wanted to stay quiet.

TikTok's top migrant influencer is making such a fool of the US that it seems like an Ali G-style satire

Leonel Moreno, a self-professed Venezuelan migrant, espouses leeching off government resources and seizing homes using squatter's rights — it's so wild, it almost seems like a spoof.

Kate Middleton conspiracies are just a harbinger of a future we should all fear

PhotoShop, AI, deepfakes: As technology improves, so does our skepticism of who and what to believe.

Canceling women who won't tolerate biological men in their gym locker room is a ridiculous new low

I'm firmly on the side of a locker room being a camera-free zone. But I am also against scaring people to the point they feel the need to take a...

Activists lobbying to 'morally' allow trans kids to change their bodies are only doing more harm

Pushing experimental medical intervention, with irrevocable changes, to a population that isn't allowed to legally get a tattoo or vote is just evil.

How the breast was won: The week Sydney Sweeney's boobs exploded

This culture war is real... and it's spectacular.

The spectacle of the MSNBC trio yukking it up at voters' immigration concerns shows just how out of touch they are

It shouldn't be a laughing matter that these Real Housewives of the Acela Corridor are disconnected from reality.

Forget gentle parenting and social emotional learning: Adversity is the formula for resilient kids

Author Abigail Shrier is delivering a welcome dose of common sense about parenting a generation where 40 per cent have had mental health treatments.

None of us should watch the heartbreaking Wendy Williams documentary

The Lifetime series "Where Is Wendy Williams?" is invasive, uncomfortable — and inhumane.

Hunter Biden may be in recovery — but his delusions of grandeur are healthier than ever

The first son now believes the fate of American democracy is resting on his shoulders: If he can just stay clean, Donald Trump will be kept from winning a second...

Caitlin Clark has reached top heights of sports — just ask her critics

The fact that Caitlin is even fodder for arguments proves that she’s already climbed higher than Jay Williams’s arbitrary perch, ring or no ring.

With 'restorative justice' & anti-police curriculum, why would you send kids to NYC public schools?

The only thing missing from PS 321's "Black Lives Matter at School" curriculum is a Che Guevara T-shirt and "Queers for Palestine" laptop sticker.

Letting trans players participate in girls' and women's sports is a ticking time bomb

As a Massachusetts girl was injured while playing high-school hoops against a trans player, "inclusivity" mandates are killing the integrity and fairness of female athletics.

'Influential woman'? The Sussexes' new website doesn't call Meghan Markle what she is: a grifter

Archewell, the philanthropic foundation of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has a simple mission: "Show Up, Do Good." But the latter seems beyond them.

Hey, Harvard kids (and Cynthia Nixon): Your 12-hour hunger strike is a joke

Apologies to Gandhi, suffragists and the Irish Republicans. These kids in Cambridge merely skipped a meal at the dining hall and boasted about it on Instagram.

By propping up Biden, Dems are committing elder abuse — and abusing the nation

It's simply pathetic being told by Dems that our commander-in-chief is the Benjamin Button of the Beltway, running circles around young staffers.