Betsy McCaughey

Betsy McCaughey

About the Columnist

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.

The Archive

American hostages held by Hamas in hell as Biden and Blinken play politics

The hostages Hamas terrorists seized Oct. 7 still in captivity struggled through their 95th day as Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin...

The growing lunacy of free health insurance for migrants

Extending offers of free health care to illegal migrants is an act of sheer insanity given the scope and scale of the wider US border crisis and the cost to...

Your tax dollars are paying for the 'rights for migrants' legal scam

You’re paying to be legally coerced into providing more for migrants, even at the cost of cutting vital city services. It’s absurd, but it’s about to get worse.

Wasted meals: another example of NYC's ever-expanding migrant-industrial complex

Mayor Adams warned this week of tax hikes and “extremely painful” cuts to city services to offset taxpayers’ money going to shelter and feed migrants.

The smart immigration policy open-borders Biden refuses to consider

A country can have open borders or a generous social safety net but not both. President Biden is the poster boy for that mistake, and cities across America are paying...

No, New York lawmakers shouldn't extend the unjust Adult Survivors Act

New York state is turning its back on the rights of the accused. 

It's not migrants — saving New York City requires union concessions

It’s a transparent attempt by Adams to lock in big labor’s support for his own mayoral reelection — never mind that he’s selling out city residents.

The feds' censorship machine rolls on even as election-fraud cases keep coming to light

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. appeared in Connecticut Superior Court to demand the arrest of a woman allegedly caught on video stuffing ballot boxes in the 2019 Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary.

Here are four ways to save New York City as residents flee crime and fiscal failure

New York City residents have thrown in the towel. Gotham’s quality of life is plunging, but only 18% of registered voters turned out in last week’s local election.

Election fraud is no myth — and video evidence proves it

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.   Roll the tapes: On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling...

Why the ACLU is going to bat for Donald Trump

Kudos to the ACLU for separating politics from principles and opposing the gag orders. Every American, including Trump, is guaranteed freedom to speak out against government.

Democrats are pushing work authorization for migrants — so they can vote

A new regulation limiting shelter stays for single men to 30 days has created confusion and anxiety amongst migrants who are trying to apply for work authorization, which can take...

Amid Hamas horror, it's time to replace terror-supporting United Nations

The world needs a new international organization dominated by democratic leaders instead of thugs and despots. Biden is incapable, but our next president should get it done.

Supreme Court could still take down NYC's insane rent-control regime

The evidence is in: Rent regulation is a political scam. There are better ways to help Americans afford a place to live. 

Supreme Court could soon quash Big Tech censorship

Justice Clarence Thomas has argued against Big Tech censorship saying these companies should have to serve all customers, just like phone companies, utilities and public accommodations.

Shameless Biden will double down in his fight to censor Americans

Biden’s censorship and the fight he’s waging to continue muzzling the public — the US Constitution be damned — show he’s no champion of democracy.

Biden protects the bloated bureaucracy over those they serve

The Biden administration is setting a booby trap in case a Republican wins the presidency in 2024.

The migrant surge is a disaster for learning — for ALL kids

The first day of school showed the NYC migrant crisis is going to hurt everyone, whether they speak English or not.

Trashing the Constitution just to get Trump

Innocent until proven guilty. That’s a fundamental right in America, at least until now.

Mayor Adams claims NYC is BACK and a paradise — who is he fooling?

Eric Adams is trying to con us into believing New York City “is thriving.” Sorry, Mr. Mayor, but we’re not wearing rose-colored glasses.