
Spotify execs ‘horrified’ by Prince Harry’s comments on Oprah interview: expert

Spotify executives were likely “horrified” by comments Prince Harry made to Oprah Winfrey after he signed a multimillion dollar deal with the company, one royal expert has asserted.

Harry, 39, and his wife Meghan Markle, 41, inked an agreement with the audio giant back in December 2020, estimated to be worth a whopping $20 million.

But just four months later, the royal raised eyebrows with flip remarks about the deal during his sensational sit-down with Winfrey.

Speaking about Spotify and a separate arrangement with Netflix, Harry downplayed their significance, saying they were “never part of the plan.”

“That was suggested by somebody else by the point of where my family literally cut me off financially, and I had to afford security for us,” he added, implying that he was forced to sign the deals out of desperation.

During a discussion on Palace Confidential on Thursday, Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden said Spotify execs were likely unimpressed by those remarks.

“It takes an awful lot of work [to produce a podcast]. It’s serious work, it’s planning,” Eden said. “You can’t just turn up and, ‘Oh, what shall we do today?'”

“That’s shown by … you know … I had to listen to these podcasts for the program so frankly, I’m not surprised it’s coming to an end,” he continued.

Spotify executives were likely “horrified” by comments Prince Harry made to Oprah Winfrey after he signed a multimillion dollar deal with the company, one royal expert has asserted. CBS

Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English agreed with Eden during the Palace Confidential panel discussion, saying that while the couple probably wanted to create “worthy” content about causes they care about, people care more about what it’s like to be a royal.

“What it gets to the heart of is what it is they can sell,” she bluntly stated.

Spotify and Harry and Markle’s Archewell production company spectacularly ended their partnership last month after the couple released just one tepidly received podcast series, titled “Archetypes.”

Speaking about Spotify and a separate arrangement with Netflix, Harry downplayed their significance, saying they were “never part of the plan.” Harpo Productions/Joe Pugliese/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo
Prince Harry admitted to signing a bunch of deals in a hurry to get some cash for security during the Oprah interview. CBS

They told The Post in a joint statement that they have “mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together.”

English alleged that both they put on a “brave face,” but it was “undoubtedly a blow” to the royal couple.

A source previously told The Post that the Archewell media company launched by Harry and Meghan didn’t produce enough content to receive the full payout of the $20 million deal they agreed to in 2020.

Spotify and Harry and Markle’s Archewell production company spectacularly ended their partnership last month after the couple released just one tepidly received podcast series, titled “Archetypes.” Spotify
The couple is seen in 2020 with Prince William, Princess Kate, King Charles and Queen Camilla. PHIL HARRIS/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Sportswriter and podcaster Bill Simmons slammed the couple in the wake of the fractured deal, saying he once met with Harry about podcast ideas and calling the pair “f – – king grifters” in a recent episode of his own audio show.

Meanwhile, a report recently alleged that Markle’s interviews for her “Archetypes” podcast were not conducted by her.

Podnews reported that some of the show’s interviews were done by members of the duchess’s staff — and audio of her voice asking the questions was clipped in later.