US News

Suspected drone, sabotage strike hits oil refinery 80 miles from Putin’s billion-dollar compound

A Russian oil refinery less than 80 miles from Vladimir Putin’s ironclad Black Sea palace was rocked by a major explosion Tuesday in a suspected drone or sabotage attack.

Flames and thick, noxious black smoke poured out of the oil refinery in Krasnodar following the alleged attack, which comes as Ukraine escalates its counter-offensive.

The blaze ravaged the Krasnodar Oil Refinery, in a diesel processing facility, requiring over 130 firefighters to combat the aggressive flames, local Kuban News reported.

Krasnodar, the capital of the region by the same name, is linked to annexed Crimea across the Kerch Strait.

The city is a key component of Putin’s war effort and serves as a hub for supplying occupied Crimea.

A Russian oil refinery less than 80 miles from Vladimir Putin’s palace was rocked by an explosion Tuesday. Social media/east2west news

It also sits not far from Putin’s billion-dollar compound on the shores of the Black Sea in the resort town of Gelendzhik.

Dubbed “Putin’s Palace,” the lavish, 190,000-square-foot residence is equipped with a hockey rink, wine cellar, hookah lounge, casino, stripper pole, church, and a fortified, dual-tunnel bunker that could protect the Russian leader should catastrophe strike.

Putin and pals could survive for weeks inside the home’s bunker, located less than 80 miles from the powerful blast on Tuesday.

Krasnodar, the capital of the region by the same name, is linked to annexed Crimea across the Kerch Strait. TELEGRAM / @kondratyevvi/AFP via Getty Images
Flames and thick, noxious black smoke poured out of the oil refinery in Krasnodar following the alleged attack. Social media/e2w
Krasnador is a key component of Putin’s war effort and serves as a hub for supplying occupied Crimea. Social media/east2west news

The Krasnodar region also suffered a radio hack Monday from the anti-Putin partisan group Freedom of Russia Legion.

While interrupting the broadcast, a representative of the group spoke of plans to seize Crimea, promising to destroy “war criminals,” according to the Telegram channel “Caution, news.”

Meanwhile, a missile strike over 400 miles away on the southern Zaporizhzhia front allegedly killed a top Russian general Monday, according to state media.

The Krasnodar region also suffered a radio hack on Monday. Afinsky Factory/e2w

“As a result of an enemy missile attack, the Chief of Staff of the 35th Combined Arms Army, Maj Gen Sergei Goryachev, was killed,” one of Russia’s proxy leaders in the region Voenkor said.

Pro-Kremlin war reporter Yury Kotyonok also shared the news of Goryachev’s death, which fell on Russia Day, the country’s national holiday.

“War takes away the best,” Kotyonok wrote on Telegram on Tuesday. “The army today lost one of the brightest and most effective military leaders, who combined the highest professionalism with personal courage.”

Goryachev is the 10th Russian general to be killed in the war, according to independent Russian media.

The Zaporizhzhia region, which is largely controlled by Russian forces, is believed to be one of the main focuses of Ukraine’s counterstrike.