Sex & Relationships

I’m a liberal — it’s hard to find masculine men to date who aren’t conservative

A single woman has made waves for lamenting on TikTok that all the chivalrous, masculine men in her dating orbit are conservative. 

“As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” said the TikToker with the username @Ms_Petch.

“A man who wants to pay on the first date; who wants to open your door; who has that want and desire to take care of you and provide — who is not a conservative.”

The Los Angeles woman said that men she’s dated who do have those quality traits don’t align with her political ideologies. And she clarified that just because she wants an old-fashioned gentleman, doesn’t mean she plans to subscribe to a traditional housewife role. 

Woman on TikTok.
“As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” said the TikToker with the username @Ms_Petch. TikTok/ms_petch

“And obviously as a liberal woman I do want to be respected for my independence. And I do want to have my own autonomy in the relationship and not be combined or confirmed to the traditional female homemaker, childbearing, role,” she said.

“I don’t want to compromise my morals and values just to find a man. But, am I asking to have my cake and eat it too?” 

The TikTok set off a firestorm of comments. 

“That’s like saying, ‘I want to invest in something without having to do anything but get all benefits from it,’” one commenter scoffed. 

Another chimed in: “All I heard is I want someone to take care of me but I don’t want to take care of them.”

Others had a bipartisan solution: “Your morals and beliefs don’t have to be in sync with your husband’s. what matters is you are able to both compromise and work together.”

Woman on TikTok in car.
The TikToker lamented on the struggle of finding a man who is liberal and will pay on a first date. TikTok/ms_petch

The TikToker did, however, receive some support, with one responding: “Annnd this is why so many women my age are still single.” 

Another, meanwhile, suggested she change her zip code if she wants luck finding a man who meets her criteria. 

“The men your describing do exist … however I don’t know if LA is the best place to find us … just saying,” one user responded.

In a follow-up video, the TikToker says she proved naysayers wrong. She dished on a recent date with a man who seemed so share her similar progressive values, and wants to help his wife with household duties and childcare.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for so hope it works out,” she said.

The Post reached out to the TikToker for comment.