
Elon Musk to host presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Twitter

Twitter boss Elon Musk is set to host Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on a Twitter Spaces event on Monday — nearly two weeks after Ron DeSantis’ glitchy Twitter Spaces appearance where he announced his White House bid.

The event marks Musk’s second-ever livestreamed conversation with a presidential candidate as the billionaire has touted Twitter as “a place where all voices are heard and where there’s the kind of dynamic interaction that you don’t really see anywhere else.”

Kennedy Jr.’s Twitter Spaces event, titled “Reclaiming Democracy,” is scheduled to take place Monday at 2 p.m. ET.

The candidate, a prominent anti-vaccine activist and environmentalist, asked his 1.3 million Twitter followers to “tweet me your questions with #AskKennedy.”

The event will be moderated by entrepreneur and tech investor David Sacks, Musk’s longtime friend who also played referee in the billionaire’s discussion with Florida Gov. DeSantis.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will partake in a Twitter Spaces event with Elon Musk and moderator David Sacks on Monday at 2 p.m. ET. Getty Images

Kennedy Jr. — the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy — has been a leading anti-vaxxer who has likened Anthony Fauci to Hitler and said that it was easier for Anne Frank to hide from Nazis than it is for Americans to escape vaccine mandates.

He has also vowed to “seal the border,” criticizing the current policy for creating a “humanitarian deathtrap,” and instead championing legal immigration.

Kennedy Jr. has also taken a hard stance on printing money, which he said creates “the illusion that there’s no cost to” massive federal spending, and only bolsters the rich while burdening middle and lower classes.

The 69-year-old has hit the campaign trail this week for the first time since launching his candidacy for the Democratic presidential campaign in April. 

Kennedy has also rolled out his campaign website, which details his six “priorities:” honest government, reconciliation, environment, revitalization, peace and civil liberties.

The latest Fox News poll — taken before Kennedy Jr. held a single event — shows Kennedy Jr. has 16% support in the Democracy primary. President Biden, meanwhile, stands at 62%.

The event is titled “Reclaiming Democracy.” Kennedy Jr. has asked viewers to tweet him questions using the hashtag #AskKennedy.

The poll results were shared during Friday’s “The Faulker Focus,” where host Harris Faulkner slammed Biden for nixing a primary debate.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey tweeted the clip from Faulker’s show, titled: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. argues he can beat Trump and DeSantis in 2024.” 

“He can and will,” Dorsey wrote in response.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey endorsed Kennedy in a tweet. Dorsey stepped down as Twitter CEO in 2021 after he was accused of filtering tweets during the 2020 election.  REUTERS

A Twitter user asked Dorsey whether he was endorsing Kennedy or “just predicting.” 

“Both,” replied Dorsey, who stepped down as Twitter CEO in 2021 after he was accused of filtering tweets during the 2020 election. 

Representatives for Kennedy Jr. didn’t immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.