
June 2023 horoscopes reveal zodiac signs’ best defense against death

Welcome to June my babies and the twin for the win season of Gemini.

We have many a planet changing sign and course in the month of June. Venus, planet of aesthetics and assets, is moving into ‘worship me or else’ Leo on June 5, and revolutionary planet Pluto is sliding back into pencil pushing Capricorn on June 11 after a few months time in ‘rise of the robot’ Aquarius. That very same day, Mercury, planet of exchange lands in its home team sign of Gemini.

The third sign in the zodiac wheel, Gemini represents, the stage in evolution where we move outside of ourselves, offer opinions, articulate rather than demand, get curious, get present, and get our heads fed.

Take as a guide to the realm of the twin one of their own, ladies and gentlemen Dr. Cornel West, the poet, activist and philosopher who writes, “We’re beings toward death, we’re featherless, two-legged, linguistically-conscious creatures born between urine and feces whose body will one day be the culinary delight of terrestrial worms. That’s us.”

Gemini teaches us, as West does, that we are both godly and ordinary, precious and expendable. Gemini tells us that being present, engaged, ceaselessly curious and high on desire is our only defense against death.

Gemini is a trickster coyote hell bent on learning through direct experience and relaying the details in a stream of consciousness exercise in being. They are teeming with the need to learn and governed by the impulse to express.

As over sharers, pot stirrers, anarchist artists and linguistic provocateurs, Geminis ask without hesitation and instigate without fear of consequence. Gemini is poetry in motion, and consciousness through conversation.

Gemini teaches us, as dos Dr. Cornel West, that we are both godly and ordinary, precious and expandable. Shutterstock

Gemini teaches us that we are both godly and ordinary, precious and expendable. Gemini tells us that being present, engaged, ceaselessly curious and high on desire is our only defense against death.

On June 17, dad jeans and disciple planet Saturn begins its five month retrograde in dreamy, water color Pisces. This retrograde offers the chance for all of us to redefine our relationship to transmuting the ephemeral into the tangible and to begin to view structure as a conduit for, rather than cage of, creativity.

The full moon in freewheeling Sagittarius on June 3 is high time for communication and conviviality. Known as the Strawberry Moon, this one is appropriately ripe with possibility and spilled tea, Gemini is the great communicator and Sagittarius wields truth like a hammer so expect the words to fly and revelations to revel.

There’s an all encompassing energy to Gemini, two halves of a complete whole their archetype is Hermes, the messenger of the gods whose domain stretches from the heights of heaven to the pomegranate depths of hell. In kind, Gemini itself is both lofty and lowly, cheap charm and divine communion.

Gemini is duality, the twin of life is death, and its omnipresence in the mind of a Gemini imbues them with an impatient vitality. Their impulse to to read, speak, consume, commune and collect as much as they can for as long as they can.

June is the beating heart of Gemini season. Universal Images Group via Getty

Gemini reminds us of the brevity, beauty and brutality of the human experience and gives it a language. A mark left, a thought made evidence, immortality through exchange and words to remember it by.

The summer solstice arrives on June 21 marking the sun’s entrance into the maternal, moon ruled sea water of Cancer. It’s a time for softness in approach and action, beginning with the self and extending out and into the world at large.

If you’ll forgive the kittens and pastels, embroidered pillow talk, kindness begins at home so be good to yourself and practice being the mother that you always needed.

Read for both your sun and rising signs and for the love of the gods eat a strawberry, stem and all, write a letter to yourself, read the last page of a book first and be open to entering rabbit hole that lives at the end of each and every exchange.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Trust in lust this June, Aries. Getty Images

Happy summer, Aries! Mars, your planetary ruler is hooking up with Venus in the heart forward sign of Leo, lighting up and getting down in your fifth house of creativity, carnivals and carnality. Mars is conflict but its also chemistry, so get out and get it on. A late summer retrograde in your fun house will have you reevaluating these themes but for now, trust in lust.  

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is ruled by Venus and the planet of love and aesthetic is settling down in the area of your chart that governs the home, the one we make for ourselves and the one we come from; rooms and root systems. The time is nigh for bulls to refresh their spaces literal and metaphorical, add new art and/or revisit/repair a parental relationship. It’s never too late to switch the rug, change the script or feel like a kid in your own kingdom.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Happy solar return and merry Gemini season to the people of the twin! Venus in stage lights and jazz hands Leo lights up your third house of communication this month. With the big cat on your side you should feel energized to complete projects, give and receive credit and entertain conversations about intimacy and alignment. Keep in mind that there’s a fine line between dispersion and chaos and June challenges you to discern what merely entertains you from what truly sustains you.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Ahoy Cancer, you deep feeling, salt cured sailors of the ocean of human emotion. As we move ever closer to your season, the lesson for you is release. Freedom is not just about letting loose but letting go. What are you holding and how is it holding you back? Surrender the grudge, forgive the fault, and share aloud what shames you most so that you might raise your sails and ride free and clean into your solar return.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

A lion shows his teeth in a Prague zoo. Michael Cizek / AFP / Getty Images

With Venus in the self-loving savannas of your sign, Leo you’re invited to lavish yourself the way your partners or parents haven’t. The lesson is that you are whole and wholly deserving of worship with or without an audience in attendance or admirer in the wings. Remember that you must be what it is you need in order to attract it. If it’s love your after (ain’t it always?), love yourself with reckless abandon and dramatic flourish

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

With the sun in a fellow mutable, Mercury ruled sign you would do well to consider collaboration over a lone wolf modality this month, Virgo. Partnership is power in this hour and while alone and of your own accord is often easier, it is rarely richer.  

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

This month’s full moon in Sagittarius floods you with an assertive energy, Libra. Empowered by the archetype of the archer who shoots towards truth at all costs and at the expense of niceties, you may find yourself speaking up and acting out. It is important for you to see that you are lovable even and especially when you cease to be a perfect pacifist.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

You’re coming out of the gauntlet of eclipse season Scorpio and it is time to shake loose the belief that you belong in the background. Mars, your ancient, antagonist ruler is in Leo this month and is begging, roaring and pawing at you to step up, stand out and take credit for what you’ve done and who you’ve become. You are not perfect but your progress is a cause for celebration, your gains are a point of pride. Seize the spotlight with the fresh blood of victory on your teeth and one eye out for tomorrow.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

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Make eye contact and mistakes this month, Sag. Shutterstock

The sun in your opposite sign; mind buzzing, word as foreplay Gemini is shining on your seventh house of partnership, Sagittarius. It’s a time for flirtation, curious conversations, and caution to the wind. You also get a hall pass for being self-serving this month. Follow what feels good and take a hard look at, and long walk away from, anything that doesn’t.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

The Gemini new moon is knocking on the gym door/cave wall of your sixth house of health and daily habits, Capricorn. I encourage you to a do a full wellness scan; your physical form, mental health and spiritual affiliations. With your ruling, karma dealing dad planet Saturn retrograding this month questions arise like where can you elevate routine to ritual? How can you trade going hard for believing you deserve softness?

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The sun is in your fun house this month, Aquarius. The fifth house govern fertility, virility and frivolity, the first flush of love and the initial spark of inspiration. It is a fine time for socialization and co-creation. Devote your alien resources, renewable energy and unblinking attention to passion projects or passing strangers

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The sun in Gemini throws rays on your home turf and interiority, Pisces. A fresh start, and a purposeful purge will invite fresh air and vital energy into your living quarters; throw open the doors and windows and throw out the cumbersome knick knacks, stale love notes and mottled blankets. Streamline for summer baby, smoke cleanse your genitals and make way for a new kind of being. 

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.